
Sちゃんの誕生会とGevrey Chambertin

高校時代の同級生仲間の一人Sちゃんの誕生日を祝って、仲間で集まって誕生日会です。新婚の頃を思い出して、とRちゃんが腕を振るったCoq au vin(鶏肉のワイン煮)をGevrey Chambertin Combe de Lavaux Pierre Naigeon 2004と共にたのしみました。しかしこの日の大失敗は、ニョッキを転がすのに夢中になって、ワインの栓を前もって抜くことを忘れてしまっていたこと。せっかくの会で、一番おいしく味わってもらえなかったのが、本当に後悔が残ります。ワインを生業としているものとして本当に失格です。。。



Wrt: Gevrey. These wines are elaborated without oxygen.
We call this "reduction". Sometimes when you open they even smell bad. It is well known that they need to be opened in advance. Naigeon said that sometimes his wines are better
the day after. T*** said to his client open the morning in a decanter for the evening for grand crus. Etc...
I do not like decanters though. But il is well 2-3 hours that you
need so the wine breathes... It really needs to react with oxygen.
Moreover if the bottle remain full it does not breath much.
Usually Gevrey is one of the heaviest Burgundy. All these tannins need to react with oxygen. What is true for Gevrey is not with all Burgundy wines. (Think about ***'s wines etc... they are open immediately and if they breathe they loose their perfume).
Do not forget.

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